Yesterday, a little before 4 o'clock, I was driving to the courthouse in Centre Hall so I could go to my speeding ticket hearing. I had to go down 322/The Nittany Expressway for a little bit to get there, which is the normal way I go home. After a little bit of time on that road, the GPS system told me to make a left turn onto Sharer Road. So I got to where the turn was and looked at the road and just thought, "Oh, what the hell." It looked like it was a one-lane road, it wasn't paved, there were stones everywhere, it was uneven and bumpy, and I was in Ryan's huge SUV and I just thought, "I can't believe I'm going to drive this thing down this stupid road."
So then I turned on the road. And, somehow, I'm not really sure how, I just sort of noticed how strikingly gorgeous all the surroundings were. There were just miles and miles of farm land all on either side of me, with some very very old-style farm buildings and one very pretty new house. The grass was extremely green and thick and there were mountains in the distance. There were birds playing and hopping around on the road, and then a groundhog scurried past the front of the car. Then another one did. On the way back, I saw two more groundhogs and I wondered if they were the same ones I saw before. Suddenly I felt stupid for thinking that this road wasn't good enough to drive on. I sort of felt like this road was actually too good to be driven on, and felt like a jerk for driving on it. I thought it was so good and right in the middle of so many awesome things that it should just be done away with altogether.
Peace out.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sharer Road
0 comments //posted 4/22/2008 09:39:00 AM
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