I drove to Pittsburgh on Wednesday afternoon and woke up the next morning at 5:30 so I could go to school all day with my sister. I didn't get to bed until 4am the next day. Last night I kind of wanted to go to bed early, even though I had tried to nap, but ended up hanging out with different people until 3:30 in the morning or so, when I climbed into bed, thinking I would finally get some good sleep.
An hour later, at 4:30 in the morning, the fire alarm went off. I was pretty confused, though trying my best to prepare myself to get outside and deal with the freezing weather. I put on some pants, put on my heavy jacket (no shirt underneath), stepped into my shoes without tying them, and grabbed the comforter off of my bed and ran down the hallway with it around my shoulders. I saw myself reflected in the mirror at the end of the hall, and I looked like I had a cape on. Well anyway, we were all standing outside and being miserable. Some people looked like they hadn't gotten into bed yet. An RA came out and asked us to move further away from the door to make room for people yet to leave the building. There was a barefoot girl beside me and I felt really bad for her. After about ten minutes or so, I saw two people coming down the stairs and wondered how the hell they hadn't made it out of the building yet, then I pieced together that it was Meg and Christine, which was slightly more confusing. The alarm went off. They went back upstairs before they had even made it outside, and everyone else trudged inside and went back to bed.
Then another alarm woke us up at 5:30am. I put on the exact same costume as before, and was feeling really, really upset because all I wanted was some sleep. I expressed my anger when I was outside and a kid beside me - though I forget who it was right now - said he felt the exact same way, hadn't slept well in days, and was counting on tonight. I think the barefoot girl was there again. I kept thinking about telling somebody to pick her up, but then I thought it was my responsibility as much as anyone else's, so they'd just make me do it, but I had a blanket around me. Yeah, I know.
Alex said that if there was another alarm, he wasn't going out. Two a day is the maximum. He also said that the first time the alarm went off, rather than try to get out of bed right away, he just tried to put his pillow around his ears so he could go back to bed.
When I got back in my bed and left all my crap on the floor, I decided I wouldn't go outside if there were another alarm either. I live on the ground floor with a window that I can gently crawl out of in the case of any problem. So I could just wait until the last second and decide if I needed to leave or not. I also realized that I had not followed proper fire safety protocol - when I opened my room door, I didn't check with the back of my hand if the handle was hot or not. Then again, there's nothing flammable outside my room.
I had texted Malinda earlier to ask if she were still awake - this was at a much more reasonable hour of the morning. She texted me back at 4:23am (the first alarm) to say "Now I am :) ". Kerri also texted me the first time saying "Not cool." at the same moment that I texted her "WHAT. THE. F***." The next time out, she sent me "Im going to kill someone" at 5:40am, and I sent "F*** simmons" at almost the same time, again.
I ended up sleeping past noon. I still don't feel totally rested.
Hardly anyone goes on AIM anymore, and that makes me sad.
Peace out.