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Thursday, February 19, 2009


I went to Late Night (a cafeteria that's open late) recently with a couple friends to just hang out and hopefully eat some Mozz sticks as we say.  At one point I went up to get some cereal and decided on Frosted Flakes, and just as I put the bowl under the dispenser, a girl with black hair, pale skin, but maybe an Italian face who worked came up beside me to fix something nearby and said, "Yeah man, go for those Frosted Flakes, they're great."  Something about the way she said it was interesting, so I said, "Yeah, definitely - " and then I realized that "They're Great" was referring to the tagline for the cereal, - "oh, hahaha, clever.  Yeah, they are great."  I wanted to make some witty reference to another cereal slogan, but none came to mind.  Kid tested, mother approved?  Eh.

Later I went to get some milk, but it was empty, so one of the workers needed to change it.  They called someone, but no one came, and the same girl ended up doing it.  My friend Jaffe (his last name) was with me.  I think that her name tag said Cai but I'm not really sure.  She talked to Matt and I as she opened up the silver dispenser, took out the huge empty crates, and then loaded another one.  I realized that she had a bit of trouble loading the full one, and I made fun of Jaffe and myself for letting the woman do all the hard work.  She said that she was a disgruntled worker, but at least she got paid.  She also made a reference to Napoleon Dynamite - "You could drink whole milk if you wanted to" - as she walked away at the beginning of the episode.  She seemed like a cool cat.

I think she was in Simmons today.  I was playing piano, and I think I saw her sit down on a couch beyond the piano, where I couldn't see very well.  There was a friend there, too.  They both seemed like they wanted to sleep - and, I'm pretty sure they fell asleep.  I played quiet and calming songs so I wouldn't bug them.  In a way it was nice - I think they may have actually liked it, since they came in while I was playing - but also, I like to play what I want to play, not waht sleepy passerbys want me to play.  I didn't get to check if it was her or not afterward.

Peace out.

Strangers at Simmons

Sometime over the weekend, after drumline, I was hanging around Simmons.  I was walking up the stairs right near the lobby (the main stairwell, with black "granite" flooring) when I saw someone knock at the window that's to your left if you're walking up from the lobby's floor.  I just looked for a second and stepped on - you're not supposed to let strangers in - but they knocked again frantically and I said, "I DON'T KNOW YOU" and then they said something which I couldn't really understand, but I sort of realized it was an old Asian man, and I went to let him in.

When he came in, he was sort of loud, and the person at the help desk definitely noticed the disturbance.  I was afraid he would be mad at me for letting him in, but he was a delivery man (at least, we hoped.  He had food and stuff).  He called someone on his cell phone and said that he was in the lobby after asking me where he was, but apparently the person couldn't understand him.  He seemed a little bit angry and fairly frustrated.  He hung up his phone, and then asked me to call them back and explain the situation (white person = English!).  I called the person and they said they were at the Simmons loading dock, and I said that he was in the lobby.  The person said they would come up to get it, but he insisted on going down - I knew this was a bad idea because we might somehow miss each other on the way by.

I started walking him down the stairs and insisting, "The loading dock is down this way.  This is the way she would come if she were coming from there."  At each door and each turn, I think he grew a little bit more suspicious, like I was leading him on a wild goose chase or some sort of stunt.  Eventually we got to the basement, and I looked around, knowing the girl would probably be headed up.  He followed out the door behind me, and I noticed a girl at the elevator just as we got to the floor.  He asked if it was for her, and she said yes, it was.  They had a quick exchange that was somewhat angry - you said you'd be here!  No, I said I'd be here! - but the deal was done, I suppose.  I can't remember where he went or where I went, but he thanked me before he left.


There was a black guy sitting and waiting at the door to Simmons's loading dock a few days ago when I went out for some reason - dinner?  He said thank you and went inside, but I felt like there was something weird about him.  He was approximately my age, but I had never seen him before ever, and he was just sitting, waiting, as if he didn't know anyone and he didn't have a card.  He had a big blue jacket on, and a blue knit hat.

I've heard rumors of someone getting into the dorm recently and apparently giving people a rough time.  It's suspected that whoever it is isn't a student.  My friend Vicki apparently glanced at him once, and he came over and cursed her out and kicked her computer.  I was wondering if it was this guy.

I did feel bad about letting him in, but then again, what can I do?  If he's a nice guy, there's no harm in letting him in.  If he's a murderer, then he'd probably murder me for kicking him out onto the cold streets at night.  And if I don't let him in, someone else will (while I'm laying outside, murdered).

Anyhow.  I came back later - maybe I went to the computer lab? - and I saw someone approaching the door from the other direction (we were both outside, he from the west and I from the east) and I thought, shit, is it that guy again?  It was that guy.  I don't know if he was waiting for someone to approach the building or not but there was like no way I could avoid letting him in.  I felt bad about it again.

However, no one's been murdered.  I saw him in the study lounge tonight, with a laptop, on Facebook.

Peace out.