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Monday, September 29, 2008

Stop Electing Idiots

All the crap in the news about the economy and the McCain campaign has made me comically frustrated recently, and I don't really like to write about stuff not immediately related to my everyday experience, but I feel just kind of want to write my thoughts on this.

Countries that elect idiots get idiotic governments. That's why America has such an incapable government compared to all those other countries, where people want to elect someone smarter than The Average Joe. After all, they're better than the other guy. So if we want a better government, we should just stop electing idiots.

So do it. Stop electing idiots. Fun facts: Obama graduted from Columbia University and was editor of the Harvard Law Review. John McCain finished 894th out of 899 in his Naval Academy class and crashed five planes upon graduation.

Obama is smarter than McCain. He is. Don't complain about elitism. Stop electing idiots and vote for Obama.

Do it or you can kick your own ass in four years.

Peace out.

Jen's Mom

Sometime in the middle of this summer, before Kristin went to Spain, I went for a walk with her down Smithbridge Road to visit Jen Vitlip, because I told her I would, and I told Kristin I would walk with her, too. I took a picture of Kristin on the way down there when someone called her - I forget who it was, but I think it was a girl. We stopped on the bridge to make sure we didn't get hit by cars, and admired how pretty it was from there. The neighborhood - that little cul-de-sac - at the bottom of Smithbridge Road, is actually particularly beautiful, and if you are reading and live in that Glen Thrills, you should check it out sometime, really.

We knocked on the door, and I think an aide for Jen's mom answered. I knew Jen's mom was very sick - in a wheelchair with muscular dystrophy, or multiple sclerosis, or some similarly degenerative muscle disease - but I didn't know how sick, or that she needed aides. It was a young, nice black woman with long hair, and we asked if we could talk to Jen or Josh, and they both came out. We went to the back of their house and tried to find places to sit. I think the grass was a little wet, but it was also very hot that day. I sat on a piece of wood, I think, meant to cover up some sort of outlet. I took some pictures of the pond beyond us. There were snapping turtles in it, they said, and it was covered with algae. There were some benches too, I think, but at least one of them was completely overrun with ivy. I forget what we talked about exactly - Genuardi's, friends, ... - but I think this was when I told Jen that I wanted to bake cookies one day and run around town giving them to friends, and yes, she would be one of them.

We talked about cats, I think. I forget if I asked to go inside, or if they had to go inside because the aide that had answered the door for Kristin and I was on her way out, but we walked back up and went inside. I think Jen went to check on her mom, and Josh took us to try to find the cat(s). We found at least one, in someone's bedroom. It was a pretty cat and it looked pretty nice, but Josh said it didn't really like people, and it ran away when I tried to get close enough to it to pet it.

I think I said I was hungry, or something along those lines, or wanted to find their other cat (if I'm correct that they had two), so we went toward the kitchen in search of Lucky Charms (which I did get), and her mom was in the kitchen in her wheelchair. I suppose wheelchair isn't quite the right word, because it was electric and had much more to it than just wheels. It also held her head in place if she needed it to. Her head was hung low when we walked into the room, but at one point she asked Jen if she could lift her head up. So Jen lifted her head up, and then pulled a strap across her forehead that was attached to the sides of the head cradle at the top of the chair. It was large and black, I think, with a wide base, although I can't remember much more about it.

I didn't know how to react to her mom, and I felt bad about it. I remember reading or seeing or hearing somewhere that summer that people with disabilities hate being ignored just like anyone else hates it, and hate being treated differently, and hate it when people try to pretend they don't have whatever condition they have. So I really wanted to just react to her as I would react to any other of my friends' parents, and I said hello to her, and maybe asked her how she was, but I didn't know what else to do. I would have liked to have talked to her, but her voice seemed extremely weak and I guess I was afraid that it was difficult for her to talk. I would have liked to have asked her if she was doing okay how she was, maybe, that would be very bold for me and maybe inappropriate.

We left soon after, and I talked to Kristin about it. I said that I felt bad, and I wanted to talk to her again, the way I'd talk to anyone else, if I could. I put it on my list of things to accomplish by the end of the summer - Talk to Jen about her mom, with the intention of talking to her mom again. Somehow I never found the time to do it.

I found out today that her mom died sometime over the summer. Jen is a really strong kid, and so is Josh, so I think they'll be okay, but it must have been terribly sad to lose her, and to lose her in that kind of battle. And I felt upset at myself for not doing anything. I suppose ultimately it wouldn't have made a difference in any case, but I still wish I had known what to do, and if she liked people to talk to her, and if I could have talked to her and had a conversation with her. If it were possible I would still like to know, but I don't think that's the kind of thing I can ask anymore.

Peace out.

"I'm Not Going to Vote for a Muslim"

Every once in a while, I'll get a call on my cell phone from a number I don't recognize. Sometimes I get really optimistic and hope it'll be a call from the National Security Agency, or the CIA, or the Department of Defense or something like that, telling me they have a summer internship waiting for me where I can just do number theory all day and watch The Daily Show at night. But, almost uniformly, it is someone from the local campaign call center phone banking for Barack Obama. I think this has happened at least three times. I don't know why they're so disorganized; I always mark down that I am a volunteer already and a bunch of the people there would recognize my name.

The first time, I just said that I was voting for him and that I was campaigning for him, and said thank you and hung up. The second time it was a call from Tara, who's basically the director/organizer of the whole office, and I was POSITIVE that she knew me, so I was like, "Um, Tara, it's me. Jeff. I do classrooms for you. I talked to you on Sunday." [or something close to those lines] And she just said, "Oh, Jeff! Hey, how are you? How's it going?" So we talked for a second and I hung up. I think I got another call one time after that, and just said yes, I was working for him, thank you, and hung up.

I got another call, I believe, this Friday night, although it could have been this Thursday. My guess is Friday, because I was at Putnam training on Thursday.... although I could be wrong. In either case, I saw someone was calling and I realized the 814 area code, and figured it was from Obama. I'd been waiting to do this. So the woman introduced herself, she sounded probably 40 or so, and said that I'd written somewhere that I supported Obama and was asking if I was still going to support him with my vote. I said, "Um, no, I'm not going to vote for a Muslim." And then there was silence. She just had no idea what to say. After letting her sit in pain for a few seconds, she started to say something, but I had already started to talk to and I told her that I worked on the Obama campaign registering classrooms, and that I was kidding with her, and that yes, I was still going to vote for him in November. She started to laugh and said, "Oh, thank god! I'm a newbie at this and when you said that, I just - a Muslim?! I didn't know what to say!" And I responded, "Yeah, don't worry, I'm just f***ing with you." She said that she would normally ask if I wanted to volunteer, but that I already said I did, so we just said goodbye and hung up.

Peace out.