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Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Most people walk with their eyes down. So when I walk by [and I have my head up], if I try to smile or say hello to them, they can just pretend no one had tried to recognize them at all. Wouldn't life be better if we all had our eyes up and said hello?

I noticed that I haven't seen a 'kid' pretty much since I got here. That is, no one Joey's age, and no one Michael's age, or Steve Smuryl's age. It's strange.

Yesterday was a busy day. I had my first education seminar course meeting [and I should start on the reading soon].

After that, I went to breakdance club. There was a really nice guy named Andy who got me started with top rock [step]. He was EXTREMELY good at foot work... I need to ask him for help some more sometime. Then there was a guy Billy who helped me with the six-step and showed me how to work some other things in. And this one crazy good guy whose name I don't know, but he seemed nice/helpful.

Then I ran to the Ratty for dinner and almost sat with John from Philadelphia but had to go to the math competition. I got the first two problems and the last two problems, but other than that... I mean, I had seen the problems before but I didn't remember how exactly to do them. So I ended up writing things like, "This is the Power of a Point theorem! You can do this other cool thing with it, too... but I forget how to prove it." Or "There's a formula for extracting nested radicals that I forget, but I remember that once you do it it's really easy to see that the answer is 2." Or "Something about squaring the perimeter and going from there."

Anyway. I left that at 7PM so I could go try out for the Bear Necessities. I signed up for 7:15 because I needed time to practice, but the only place I could practice was in a classroom in Wilson [where the audition was]. So I was practicing there in a closet, singing to a wall... and then a couple kids walked in and I was like... hi? And it was really weird and then they walked out. Then I went downstairs to audition... the scales were pretty good, I could go from an F to an E... but not falsetto. Then we did pitch matching, which was way too hard. Then I sang Hallelujah, which wasn't quite as good as I had practiced but went okay. I forgot my backpack on the way out.

Oh, somewhere along the line, I got a key to Alumnae Hall. Now I can practice alone on a beautiful 9ft Steinway piano whenever I want. I'm so excited!

I forgot that the V-Dub doesn't serve pancakes everyday, but that's alright.

After Bear Necessities, I went to QuizBowl.... which was kind of boring and I largely just sat there, so then I left and talked on AIM with a bunch of people from home.

From there, I went to Tae Kwon Do, but found out the beginner meeting wasn't until Wednesday.... so I came home, did some calc, talked, did some more calc... I need to get back to trying some calc right now.

I'd like to note that a) I love my new phone, b) Sergei Treil could kick your ass any day, and c) I hate Bluetooth.

Peace out!

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