So when I went to Governor's School over the summer after my junior year, I knew that I would have to be living with a roommate for the first time. I didn't really have much apprehension about that - I'm pretty sure I can live with like 99% of people so I was sure it would be fine.
When we showed up the first day and went up to my room - I believe it was 208 - my roommate was already there. He was sitting on his bed, which I believe had only plain white sheets on it, and although he looked pretty set up, he had basically no decoration anywhere at all. I think I remember noticing a TON of things underneath his bed, but I could be wrong about that. He was scribbling in a tiny notepad when we walked in. He was probably 6'2", it was hard to tell what ethnicity he was but I'm guessing half-Jewish and half-Asian, and pretty thin, whith shortish black hair that it looked like he gelled at spiked. I can't remember what kind of shirts he wore.
As most people reading this probably know, my dad could charm his way out of the Lewinski scandal if somebody asked him to. He can get anyone to talk and he can do it without putting effort into it. So while my mom and I were setting up, my dad figured he would break the ice for me and talk to Skyler. No matter how long he talked to Skyler, though, my dad just couldn't get through to him. He would only give one word answers to my dad's questions, and he would never look up or make eye contact - he just kept scribbling in his notepad. He did find out he wanted to go to Cornell though. We asked him if he wanted to come look around the campus with us and he said no, he said something else to do, but maybe if we would go another time. We didn't go with him, although I think he did actually ask if we had gone yet at one point hoping to go with us.
The first day or second day that we met, the instructors and administrators were talking to us about the academic honesty policy at PGSS - basically, they expected that everyone would work together and that they wanted us to work together because PGSS is pretty challenging for the grade level we were at, and they wanted us to learn proper collaboration within science communities. They told us to make sure that we weren't plagiarizing or cheating, but to feel free to discuss problems and methods with other people as much as we wanted. Skyler raised his hand and said, "If we don't work with other people, are you going to come after us?" I believe Barry said something along the lines of, "No, but we aren't aware of anyone that's ever made it without working with someone else."
For the first little while, Skyler basically disappeared from my life. I didn't really interact with him in any way, not even when I was in the room I don't thing. He went to bed early and didn't hang out in the same places or with the same people I did. I saw him in class though. A lot of times he had a roll of yellow duct tape around one of his wrists. A lot of people asked him what it was, and he would either not answer or say "To fix things" or something like that. One day, my friend Jenna broke her shoes or flip-flops, and she actually used his tape to fix them during class. I remember that he would walk up the stairs in the class funnily - he would approach the first step, stop, and grandly step both of his feet onto the second step, stop, approach the third step, and repeat all the way up. One day one of the girls asked if they could touch him to make sure he was real, and he said yes, and she touched his arm confirmed that he was real.
Somewhere along the line, I was coming back up to my room around the middle of the afternoon. I went up the stairs and turned to the right to get to my room, and I saw Skyler at the waterfountain on the way there. He had two wastebaskets near him, one turned upside down, and he appeared to be filling a plastic bag with water from the waterfountain. I had NO IDEA what he was doing, just absolutely no idea.
So I went up to him and asked him, "Ummm... why are you getting water out of the waterfountain?" And he responded, "It's cold." [The water from the sinks was significantly warmer]. Then I asked him, "So uh... where did you get that second trash can?" And he said, "From a friend." It turned out that friend was ME. That was MY TRASH CAN. Anyway. Still totally baffled, and afraid that he would suffocate me in the middle of the night or drown me, I finally asked, "...What are you doing?" He responded, "You don't need to know."
We found out later he wanted to fill the trash cans with cold water and blow a fan over them to make the study lounge temperature more bearable.
One time when we were in the study lounge, we were all working on our chem homework. I think Nate was there, and Skyler was there too. We had to draw models of the molecules we were working with, and someone suggested doing a 3rd grade science project and using jujubees and toothpicks to represent the atoms and bonds in the molecule. I think I ran out to the store on Forbes Street to get some, came back, and put them together with the guys. While we were working, I remember Skyler took the container of toothpicks and made a joke like "Would you like some wood on your [forget this word]?" And I was a little shocked just because it was Skyler.
At the final speech, we knew that Skyler would have to talk. We all wondered how the hell that would work out given his fear of speaking to the rest of us. Actually, when he got up there to speak, he was flawless. He didn't stutter once or shake or get nervous or anything. He was probably just about the best public speaker out of any of us. We were totally baffled.
We found out, I believe on the last day, that Skyler's parents had woken him up at 3am or something to drive to PGSS on the first day, dropped him off with his stuff, and immediately left. The day that we had to go, they showed up, quickly picked him up, and immediately left.
So basically all throughout PGSS everyone thought that Skyler was really weird and basically no one hung out with him. I was a little bit nervous around him and he went to sleep early and I didn't have a terribly wonderful roommate experience. I was kind of mad that I was put with him.
We found out later that apparently he had Asperger's Syndrome.
And that sucked. If we had known that he actually had a problem, then we wouldn't have been so cold to him after we had one bad experience trying to talk to him. My entire experience would have been totally different if I knew that my roommate didn't hate me, he just had ASD. It probably would have been a lot better for him, too. It was kind of a tough choice, though. On one hand, people should have known because it would have let us understand him and his reactions to us much better and probably would have made the experience much more positive for all of us. On the other hand, its his private medical information and he has the right to tell us or not tell us, and the admins and instructors probably had no right to tell us either. I don't know, I just thought that wasn't so fun to learn.
Peace out.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Skyler Schneider
//posted 3/28/2008 08:20:00 AM
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You have an interesting mind... Jeff Conway.
I've just recently stumbled on this blog of yours, and I'm sure you can guess why. I have to hand it to you; it's all very well written, and I find it an interesting read, especially this article. It's quite flattering that you would devote an entire entry to me, but that just makes it all the sadder that I'll have to refute what you've written.
Let's start with the conclusion, shall we? I don't have Asperger's Syndrome. I didn't even know what that was until I read your article and looked it up. I wish you would have gone into further detail when you wrote that you "found out" I had such a syndrome, because however that was, it wasn't through my medical history. But hey, don't feel too bad; it was quite a fitting deduction. Unfortunately, that's probably all it was. Let me share with you how I envision it:
"Hey, wasn't that Skyler kid kind of weird?"
"Yeah, he never hung out with us. Always kept to himself. But hey, he was still kinda smart."
"Yeah, he must have had autism or something."
And that's the way rumors start. Interesting, isn't it? At least, it is to me. I'm sorry to have crushed your theory and rendered half of your compassionate epiphany void. It's really great that you would feel so bad about thinking about me the way you did upon "learning" that I was autistic. It's a good step to be reconsidering your opinions and treatment toward other people, regardless of whether they have disabilities or not, but I wonder if you'll still feel that way when I explain to you the real reason I behaved like I did. Ho-hum.
As you now know, I am not autistic, nor do I have any medical complications that prevent me from socializing. The reason I didn't socialize is because I chose not to. You just weren't my type of people. I'm a quiet, thoughtful kind of guy, and most other people at Governor's School were into running around, jumping on each other, spontaneously hugging, eating pudding, etc. That's never been my cup of tea. To be honest, I couldn't stand all that noise, and I found the behavior rather immature. I was at PGSS to learn, and that's what I did. I've always been independent, and I've always been a bit anti-social. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't bear any hatred towards you, any of the other PGSS alumni, or their crazy hyperactive antics. I understand that behavior. Even now, in college, most of my peers are rowdier and less focused than I am. They goof around, they go to parties, and they don't take their classes as seriously as I do. It seems to be the social norm to behave like this, and I won't stop them if they don't want to stop themselves, but it's just my opinion that if I'm paying thousands of dollars for a chance at a good education and a shiny diploma, I damn well better make that my priority.
Ha ha... So there you go. Again, I don't know why everyone concluded I had autism, and I'm sorry that you were brought to believe anything other than that I'm simply anti-social. Was it perhaps that other "irregular behavior" you cited? Perhaps I should address those one by one.
I had plain bedsheets, sure. I had no decoration on my walls or desk because I don't care much for such trivialities. I had a bunch of stuff under my bed because that's where I kept my supplies and dirty clothes, so of course there would be a suitcase and big laundry bags down there. I didn't want to be leaving them out in the middle of the room when I could instead tuck them away where I would never be stepping. I don't remember this notepad you mentioned, but it's quite possible that I had a personal planner. I don't use those too often, but it was a long time ago, and I'll admit that it may have existed. Of course, there were no diabolical plans transcribed therein. I am indeed about 6'2", but I am not Jewish, nor do I ever gel or spike my hair, and my shirts are always plain, one-color, long-sleeves. I have a tendency for simplicity. I will acknowledge, though, that my hair spikes naturally when it's wet, and since you've probably seen me right after a shower, you may be remembering that.
I remember talking to your dad. He was a particularly talkative guy, and I couldn't understand why he was focusing so much on some kid he didn't even know. I thought he was trying to make friends for you because he was a bit nervous that you'd be out by your lonesome at PGSS for 5 weeks, but if that's just his nature, fine. It just means that the reason I didn't open up is we had a personality clash. I'm very specific about the people I like. That's also the reason I didn't go tour the campus with you; I didn't want to be in an awkward spot having to deal with this older guy I didn't even know who kept asking me questions. No offense to your dad, of course, as I'm sure he's a good person. He was just too friendly and engaging for a stranger.
I don't remember asking Professor Luokkala that specific question, but again, that was a long time ago. I believe the only question I asked was about whether it was permissible to read books all alone in our rooms, since he seemed set against people locking themselves up and playing with laptops instead of socializing. I had quite a few books that I wanted to read that summer, and indeed, I spent quite a bit of time reading them.
I did go to bed early (at least, for the first 3.5 weeks - the workload got a bit ridiculous after that). I did indeed have a roll of yellow duct tape. It was indeed to fix things. I took it with me by a suggestion from my brother, who had attended PGSS the previous year. He said that duct tape would be helpful at PGSS, and it was a good way to make friends. Of course, I wasn't too disappointed when the latter didn't work (and I didn't really expect it to), but it really was useful to have that tape, wasn't it? In the end, two people had to borrow it to fix things, and I used some to create a surface tensiometer that was never used to measure things. I don't recall ever walking up stairs in the way you described. I may have done it once when I was tired or my mind was wandering, but trust me, that's not a habitual act, so I don't know why you would remember me doing something like that every time. However, I do recall that girl wanting to see if I was real. I don't know what anyone was expecting with that one. Perhaps some kind of dramatic moment (dun dun duuun)?
I also remember the trash can ordeal. Unfortunately, it was not successful at all. As you noted, the point was to try to use the cold water (seemingly the only cold object we had) to try to cool a hot room. It did not work. Sorry to have scared you into thinking I was a psychotic murderer, but come on kid, did you really think anyone would try to drown their roommate in a college dorm with over 98 other humans around? Psh. No need to insult both my intelligence and morality like that.
Yes, I made a joke about toothpicks on food. I remember how those containers had little holes on top, like a salt or pepper shaker. I remember because I still have the green shaker full of unused toothpicks on my desk right now.
Yes, I'm a fine public speaker. I can do well as long as I know what I'm talking about. Just because I'm anti-social doesn't imply that I can't talk.
And finally, yes, my parents simply dropped me off and picked me up. No problem there. They lived all the way across the state, and it would be impractical to make them take the 6-hour drive every weekend to see me. They didn't need to stay long when they dropped me off, because, as I've written before, I'm independent. Once I was there with my stuff, I could handle myself, and they knew that. They're not the overly emotional sort who need to hang around and make sure their little boy is all right. They also didn't need to stay long when they picked me up, because I had packed everything in advance in consideration for them. They were making a long drive from home to pick me up, and after they picked me up, we were to proceed to Canada to visit relatives. Why waste more of their time than necessary? I didn't want to hang around and make teary faces with my new bestest best friends, because frankly, I didn't meet any new bestest best friends, and if anyone needed to say goodbye to me, we had the entire 5 weeks together, and they knew that on the last day everyone would be leaving at all kinds of times, so if they weren't sure they were going to see me again, there was no reason not to say goodbye the night before.
Ha... All right, that's that. It took longer than I expected. How do you write these kinds of blog entries all the time?
So again, sorry that you didn't have a "terribly wonderful roommate experience," and sorry to have defenestrated your theory about autism. I'm just not a people's person. I keep to myself, and I do fine that way. I've never hated you or any of the other kids at PGSS. To be honest, I'm surprised that you paid so much attention to me. I had always assumed that no one talked to me because they just weren't interested in my existence. I figured they weren't social towards me because I wasn't social towards them, and I was okay with that. I find it interesting that you thought I was weird, and if you've read this entire post and still think that way, so be it. I have my quirks, just like everyone else, and it's not necessary that you get along with me. I may not have agreed with you, your personality, or your lifestyle, but again, I bear you no ill will, and I'm definitely not a crazy psychopath who plans to drown you.
So, you can discard your fragile sense of guilt about picking on an autistic kid. Put this issue behind you, and don't think of it any more.
Have a good life.
-Skyler Schneider
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