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Friday, October 17, 2008

Recent Dreams

I usually don't have very interesting dreams. At least, for a long time I didn't. They really were boring through almost all of high school, but they've been getting more interesting in college.

This one happened Monday morning, I suppose. I was sitting outside my house back home with Gina, and it was something like night, but not quite. The moon was out and very clear, but it wasn't dark. I went inside for a second to get something, but I could hear something, and I could tell it was something huge/astronomically inclined. I think I could actually tell that it hit the moon when I was inside, whatever it was, and I think I was looking through my kitchen sink when I saw the comet/etc hit the moon. It turned red, and I suppose it started on a path towards Earth. I went back outside and Gina told me that it hit the moon, and I told her I knew, I saw it. I kept looking, and it was definitely coming toward us, and I was scared in my dream. I knew it was a dream sometime around then, though, and I started thinking, "Could this happen in real life?"

The next day I had a horror dream, but it wasn't really a nightmare. I was in a house, but not mine, it was a lot older and a lot more cramped. I forget who else was with me, or if I was even in the dream, but there were other people. It was dark, I think it was night, and whoever was in the dream was going through dark places. Whenever it was completely dark, some sort of monster would come out, but it could only exist when it was dark, so you could never see it. Except somehow I knew what it looked like.... it was definitely a girl who just looked all rotten and whatnot, like a really good Halloween costume. Oh, and it tried to kill everyone in the dream. But I don't think it did kill anyone. Did this happen in a movie?

I had another dream on Wednesday, I think, that Gina's dad made a joke that I didn't like. I can't remember what it was, but it was probably one of the things they think I'm crazy for thinking, like how avoiding bottled water is probably a pretty good idea, in general. I have been too busy to dream since then, though.

However, I finished my super hard assignment, rocked a test, and am hopefully about to rock another. Then hopefully I will write a song I have some ideas for this weekend.

Peace out.

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