I was looking outside my house today sometime around dinner and I thought that it might be nice to try to get a time-lapse shot of the sun going down outside my front windows. My camera has a time lapse mode, and it would basically turn 15 minutes of time into a 30 second video, which is a little longer than I would like, but I could always speed it up. So I took a sample sometime around 5:30, and it turned out okay, but the sun was up really high the entire time and the picture didn't change much. I think I will keep it just in case though.
Anyway, I set my camera up again sometime around 6:45 when my family decided to go to Rita's for ice cream and stuff. Sunset was at 8:06 according to weather.com so I figured I might be able to get some nice stuff. I set my camera outside on our welcome mat and let it go, and then we left for Rita's. Part of me was worried that I would come back at 7:30 and my camera would be gone, along with the 4GB memory card I just bought for it. That would really suck.
Well anyway, I got back at 7:30 and my camera was still there. I actually felt a pang of relief when I saw it sitting there on our front patio. I went to the bathroom and then came outside and checked it, and realized that the lense had pulled in, and the green power light was off. I reached town and hit the power button, thinking I had just left it sitting idle, but when it started up it said to change the battery pack. So I went in and charged the battery pack and used my mom's battery to see if it caught anything, but I don't think it did.
My camera is still charging. The sunset right now is a beautiful mix of pink and purple and orange and I'm sort of sad that I didn't get to record it. I will definitely try again, though, but you can never tell in advance when the sunset will be as pretty as this one.
Peace out!
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