The guy that runs the club roller hockey teams at PSU is a guy that we lovingly call Dyke. It's part of his last name. His first name is actually Brian or Bryan. But anyway, he's quite a big guy - probably 6'3" or so - and he has a little bit of paunch going on, short hair, often wears glasses. He's a really funny guy, although his humor is a little bit mean and you have to have thick skin if you want to hang around him, even if you're just playing hockey together. I should also note that he's extremely good at hockey. I think he's easily the trickiest player/most finessed player I've ever played against personally.
Well anyway. We were all playing together a week or two ago, maybe, at the rink at the Y. We had a goalie and 8 skaters, so we were pretty much good to go, and then a kid came and started messing around at the rink. No big deal, people don't mind. After a while he shot his puck out, and when he was coming back in, he called to Dyke and said, "Hey, can I play with you guys?"
Dyke put on a sort of fake surprise face and said, "What's your name?" (The two didn't know each other)
The kid said his name, and Dyke immediately screamed at him, "HELL NO."
The kid's face was totally shocked.
"No I'm just kidding, of course you can play with us." And he did.
To some extent I've been waiting to use that line. I would kind of like for someone to come to me when I'm playing piano and ask me to play quieter or something so I could use it then. An Asian girl came to Dana&Louise's room the other night and asked us to be quiet and I could have done it then. A girl in my Math 484 class turned to me and said "Can I ask a question?" and that would have been a perfect time, if we weren't in the 2nd row of seats in the middle of a lecture.
My thumbs have been messed up recently. My left thumb got messed up on (I think) the first Tuesday that I was here. I was playing hockey against Chas - I think playing defense against him - and I took a fall and hit my thumb when I got to the ground. My knee was also a little messed up but nothing bad, even though I had no pads on. Anyway, my glove should have been guarding my thumb, but it's hurt pretty bad ever since. For a while I couldn't turn the lock on my door with my left hand because the thumb hurt too bad, and I couldn't get a strong enough grip on my markers to remove the cap with my left hand. I think it's pretty much better now though.
The right one just got messed up recently because I was biting the nail and definitely took a little bit too much off. I think I tore some of the skin open at the front of the base of my nail, and maybe from playing piano or hockey or something, I dried it out some more and I could see it turning very red the past couple days. I think it's getting better now though. I had to put a band-aid on it for a while there though.
I've been drawing a lot recently. I bought a sketchbook like right before I came to college (it's 100% recycled and 100% recyclable!). I honestly didn't think that I would use it a whole lot. I thought it would be one of those things that I always wanted to do but never got around to doing. That was not the case, as it turned out. In the first weekend alone I filled like seven pages with sketches or something. I think I'm up to something about 40 right now.
I'm not very good at drawing, but the ideas behind them are okay enough that it doesn't really matter. Sometimes people laugh at them when they see them, which is a good sign.
Sometimes I put them up on my whiteboard, or sometimes I put things that I put on my whiteboard into my sketchbook.
I remember there was a speech a while ago when Obama was talking about hope, and how we need it, and that if we didn't have hope we would have looked to the moon and thought, "Nope, too high. Can't go there." I really liked that line, in particular, out of everything he's ever said. I was walking to my friend Malinda's room the other day and there was a whiteboard that was undecorated, and that image was running through my head, so I just stopped and worked on the whiteboard that was there. I drew a crescent moon in the top right corner, then a line at the bottom with some lines for the grass, and a larger man and a smaller man with their heads tilted up toward the moon, and the older man says, "Nope, too high. Can't go there."
I liked how it ended up looking a lot, so when I got back to my room I put it on my board, but this time I filled the sky with stars as well, and I used a quick move of the marker on the whiteboard to make a shooting-star effect once. And this time it wasn't the man speaking to the child, specifically, the words were just sort of on the whiteboard to get the idea across more generally. I liked the way it turned out, again.
I kind of wish I had a picture of it.
Cavon, a guy across the hall, said that he really liked that one in particular. It made me like him a lot, because I think most people just like the funny ones I put up, but I think this one was better than the rest, as well.
// EDIT //
Here are some pictures of the board and the sketchbook for you. Click for full-size.
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