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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Best and Worst Clothes Day

There are four clothing items in my life which caused memorable sadness when I realized they were lost.

1) The baby-blue maple leaf "CANADA" shirt that Jessica got me. It was the first shirt I wore of that type, which is to say, the type that I still wear today. I had it for a while, and don't know where it went, or have any idea at all where it could have gone.

2) The many-blue-color beanie hat that Jessica got me one year for Christmas, and that I wore on the last night of Governor's School when we painted the fence, and got some paint on one side of it. I know I had it until sometime in college, and think that I lost it on a drumline weekend, possibly at the Rutherford's house.

3) The wetsuit-tight blue jacket that Kelly got me for our fake Valentine's Day dinner in 11th grade (at least, I think it was 11th grade. It may have been 10th). It was the first tight zip-up jacket that I got, and was the gold standard for all other jackets I've gotten since then.

4) The "SHUUUUUNNNNNN" Charlie the Unicorn shirt that Matt got me when he was in North Carolina. It fit really well and was extremely nerdy and always got attention and comments. I had no idea how it could have gotten lost, except maybe a home/college transfer.

Well anyway, this Sunday I woke up to go play hockey, and I opened up my closet and looked up and to the left, and THERE WAS BLUE JACKET! I was so pumped! What a great way to start the day! I knew that the universe would give me good karma for waking up on time for hockey. Then I opened my drawers to look for a black shirt and white shirt (to help clear up which team I'm on), and the first black shirt I pulled out was the SHUUUUUNNNNN shirt!!! SURELY A DAY FOR THE HISTORY BOOKS!

I was so pumped.

So I went to play hockey. I took the black and white shirts down and put them on the bleachers, figuring I'd put them on later when I knew what team I would be on. Turns out I didn't need either of them because my "air hockey legend" shirt was dark enough to be clear indication.

At about 6PM that night - I had gotten back from hockey at noon - I realized that I didn't pick up the shirts from the bleachers.

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang you guys

With nothing better to do - and the Eagles not on until 8PM or so - I figured I'd just put on some NPR or Fallout Boy and see if they were still there. NPR was awful, so I just put on the mixed FOB CD that I made from mp3s that Misha gave me in the last weeks of Semester at Sea. It was good fun, for sure.

I got there, well past dark, and was one of two cars in the lots. I was sure an officer would come up immediately and ask why I was there. I'd sound silly explaining it, and ask him to accompany me. That would not assuage his fears at all. What is he really looking for? Turned out there were no officers, but the moon was very bright, so I wouldn't need to rely on the light of my cell phone to help me look. I walked down the hill, feet wet from frost grass, and saw that they were not where I had left them. I look underneath, nothing. In the recycling can, the trash can, on the rink. Nothing. Maybe one of the hockey players had taken them for safekeeping. Maybe other players later had taken them. Maybe the children of the Mexican soccer league participants that usually filled the park had taken them when they came to play soccer in the hockey rink. I didn't know. I only had one shot left though.

I went home and emailed the list of guys that had played hockey that day. "Did anyone happen to grab one black and one white t-shirt? Thanks."

And an hour or so later, I got an email back "Yeah, Chris B took them. Talk to him."


Surely this is the best, and worst, and best clothes day ever!!

Peace out.

1 comment:

Julia said...

I hope you find them :(

I have a box of clothes with comparable sentimental value that I have in a shoe box labeled:

"For my hypothetical daughter."