Sunday, June 19, 2011
Long Exposure
6/19/2011 05:03:00 PM
Sunday, May 08, 2011
Long Division
From Steve Yegge:
5/08/2011 01:12:00 PM
Monday, May 02, 2011
One bad thing about handwritten letters is that I can never remember what I said in the ones I sent out.
5/02/2011 05:30:00 PM
Monday, April 18, 2011
The Website is Down
The power in the dorm flickered on and off yesterday in the afternoon, and the internet remained down thereafter for about twenty-four hours. I sent an email to ResCom which read as follows:
We did not get a reply.
But the internet came back.
Peace out.
4/18/2011 01:34:00 AM
Friday, April 15, 2011
A Goon's Summary of Ayn Rand
Since you haven't read the books, let me summarize:
Evil non-WASP liberals with spooky names: we're outlawing money because we're terrible straw men.
Sexy Elite WASPs with heroic names like Max Powers and Jon Thor: BUT WE DESERVE TO HAVE ALL THE MONEY BECAUSE WE ARE SPECIAL!
Liberals: No. No money for you. We're going to melt your mansion down and feed it to the homeless.
part 3 is just going to be a 3 hour long scene where a guy reads Galt's speech over a post-apocalyptic soundtrack
And a boxing glove attached to a spring-loaded mechanical arm punches you repeatedly in the balls while sitting in your theater seat.
Peace out.
4/15/2011 02:30:00 AM
Monday, April 04, 2011
Why I Don't Like Pro Tools
Boring. Dumb. Emotionless. Empty. Mathematical. MIDI. Plastic. Edited. Talentless. Computerized. Ugh.
4/04/2011 02:25:00 AM
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Duck
Rigatoni's got rid of the fake plastic candles on their tables. Today was the first day I noticed. I stayed late to talk to Hortense and a friend of hers visiting from Cornell at a different table, one towards the window and the back. When we were eating, Hortense looked over my shoulder and shouted "DUCK!" and I looked out the window behind me and saw a cute mallard walking up and down the window that went all the way to the ground, quacking as it went, even though I couldn't hear it. It wanted to come inside because it knew there was food here, but it couldn't figure out the way in, architecture was simply too complicated for it to handle. Other people got bread on their way out, and we saw them break bits of bread and throw them towards the duck, and he ate them, and I decided I wanted to be like them and feed him too, so on the way out I went to get some bread from the very quiet bread girl who never gives you enough oil or cheese, right next to the cute Chinese girl with the well-defined jawline, and asked for a slice of bread, she asked which kind, and I didn't know which one to go with, but I thought the baguettes would be too tough for the duck, so I got rosemary instead because it looked softer. It was softer. But when I threw it to the duck, he ignored it, and the ignored it again, and then I threw one that I know he saw, and he put his beak up to it for a second, shook it, and ran away. It was too strong for him.
3/22/2011 02:17:00 AM
I Don't Know
I came back to visit the high school during my freshman year of college to tell Mr. Trabocco that I had transferred from Brown to Penn State, and his reaction was an incredulous, "What is wrong with you?!" I didn't have a defense prepared. He said, "You just wrote yourself a one-way ticket to the proletariat, buddy."
3/22/2011 02:15:00 AM
Thursday, March 17, 2011
3/17/2011 02:30:00 PM
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Throwing Away
We cleared a bunch of stuff out of the basement today. Included: A puzzle of three white kittens that my mom completed and framed when I was in middle school sometime. A tiny kid-sized drumset that my dad got me for Christmas when I was in elementary school, and I thought that a drum solo consisted of hitting each drum once, in order, as fast as you could, and I thought that you could march a concert snare by tying a length of rope around it. A styrofoam "bubble" that you could strap around my back when I was about five years old, because I was afraid of swimming, and I think I only used it once or twice; I remember one of them was a sunny day in my mom's friend's backyard pool.
3/10/2011 03:28:00 PM
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Tarik: What's "Ayn Rand?"
Collin: Satan.
Peace out.
3/01/2011 07:04:00 PM
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Oh man! I just encountered my FIRST REAL LIFE POINTER!
2/16/2011 10:34:00 PM
Thursday, February 10, 2011
With all of these bridges I've burned
2/10/2011 12:23:00 AM
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Let it Out
I walked into McLanahan's the other day, I forget what I was going to buy, probably milk or something like that. It's cold and I think I had somewhere else I wanted to be, so I walking as quickly as possible. Like usually of late, I was wearing the black zip-up sweatshirt that Ryan got me this Christmas underneath the black paramilitary jacket that Jess got me Christmas of 2007. Right as I walked in the door, I saw two employees walking down the aisle toward the front of the store. I didn't hear anything of their conversation except for when the one in front said to the other, as he was walking away from him, "You know what I always say man: If you've got hate in your heart........ just let it out."
2/09/2011 02:46:00 PM
Friday, January 28, 2011
Whoaldorf Schools
A 2007 study in Sweden comparing Waldorf and state schools reported that Waldorf pupils were more likely to have a positive learning attitude, less likely to have passing tests as the goal of their learning, and had a "more in-depth study style" in higher education. They also showed more tolerant attitudes to minority groups and less tolerance of racist ideologies, were more involved with social and moral questions and were more likely to believe in the social efficacy of love, solidarity, and civil courage as opposed to legislation or police control.
1/28/2011 11:33:00 PM
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
A Secret
When someone really likes you, they kiss you with their eyes open.
1/25/2011 03:16:00 PM
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Sadness of
The sound of high heels clicking against the ground has always made me sad; it reminds me of girls not thinking they're pretty enough, of stumbling back "home," of mom going out on the weekends and being left alone.
1/15/2011 11:43:00 PM
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
The Comet
When I was really little - like before 2nd grade - my dad got me this computer game/information game thing, I don't really even remember, but it was all about dinosaurs. I think it was just called "Dinosaurs." I can recall that there was one part where you could just click on different little icons, and it would take you to a new window/screen that just played a short animated movie about some part of dinosaur history. Dinosaurs in the air, large ones, predators, herbivores, whatever. I don't actually remember any of those in particular.
1/04/2011 12:18:00 AM
Monday, January 03, 2011
This is the story of how to get screwed by Amazon. I think this is going to be another post that lands near the top of Google searches for related terms, which is unfortunate, but oh well.
1/03/2011 11:43:00 PM
We Suck
"In his book The African Slave Trade, Basil Davidson contrasts law in the Congo in the early sixteenth century with law in Portugal and England. In those European countries, where the idea of private property was becoming powerful, theft was punished brutally. In England, even as late as 1740, a child could be hanged for stealing a rag of cotton. But in the Congo, communal life persisted, the idea of private property was a strange one, and thefts were punished with fines or various degrees of servitude. A Congolese leader, told of the Portuguese legal codes, asked a Portuguese once, teasingly: 'What is the penalty in Portugal for anyone who puts his feet on the ground?' "
1/03/2011 04:12:00 PM
New Years Eve
New Years Eve this year was a party that Chloe took me to, where I knew some of the people, and didn't quite know the rest, but in many cases had heard of them. I was rather worried when I showed up at first, but ended up having a really great time.
1/03/2011 12:20:00 AM