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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Phones are Always Awesome

The BlackBerry that I had in Cambodia was broken basically from the first week that I got there. The scroll button in the middle wouldn't go down, and then stopped going left, so I had to find lots of shortcuts or other annoying workarounds to get to anything I wanted to. If I wanted to look at a new email, I'd have to go to the email client, hit "N" for "next day," and then scroll all the way up to the new email that I was looking for. Often it would freeze for upwards of 20 minutes. By the time I was leaving, the battery would only last for about 10 hours. It was terrible/useless.

I thought that things would be better here since I got my mom's old Droid 2 Global. I put a couple of Chinese dictionaries on it, even a character recognizer so I could draw by hand and get pronunciation and definitions. I was going to download the audio part of that soon, too.

But no, of course not. The problem first started happening when I touched the phone after taking a shower. My finger really wasn't that wet - just damp like it would be after using a towel - and almost as soon as I touched it, the phone started acting up. The screen would ghost-touch in the lower right corner, launching the app page, then launching random apps, etc. It took me minutes to set the alarm, which is a trivial task normally. It's continued doing that ever since.

I found a place that can fix Motorola phones, but I don't know if they can do this one since it's an American version and possibly not found in China. Furthermore, it's in English and I have no idea what the actual problem is. Sometimes it does it, sometimes it doesn't. It's worse in regular mode than it is in safe mode. So it could be the hardware, or the software, or both.

So now I get to find the place, go to it/take a cab or whatever, try to explain what's wrong in Chinglish, possibly pay a repair fee that fixes it for a while and doesn't work, etc. Hopefully it does work, but if it doesn't then either I can buy a new phone for a few hundred dollars, and go through the process of unlocking it, which is a nightmare even when I'm in America, or get a non-smart Chinese phone which would be cheaper, but have none of the functionality that I wanted this phone for - email, dictionaries, characters. Hooray.

Sorry to complain. Also I'm very tired. Also I wish the internet didn't suck here because it makes my other job impossible.

Peace out.

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