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Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Blue's Guitar

The guitar that I got here is a very stark blue color, kind of like the color of my eyes, though it has gradients going along the curves so it's not a uniform color. I think that it would look kind of girly with most people, but I think it matches me and my style and all the colors I wear (and also my eyes).

It's actually not a very good guitar. I got it for about $30 at a store up the road, and I thought it was okay at the store, but now I'm a little bit eehh about it. The neck is bent inward for the middle strings, which for some reason I though I had heard was an advantage for barring chords, and now I'm realizing probably, if anything, makes it more difficult, and also makes it impossible to use my capo which I brought from home. Also, I'm pretty sure some of the frets are misplaced because if I tune the guitar to within about 1Hz or 2Hz when the strings are open (which is extremely close to perfect), then some chords sound good and some chords just sound miserable, like the guitar isn't even close to in tune.

Anyway, it's fine enough because I'm not actually good at guitar, don't really like guitar, and I'm cheap as hell anyway. Sometimes I wonder if I'd like guitar or be good at guitar if I actually had one that didn't suck, or used the right strings for me so that I wouldn't still be afraid of barre chords.

The only place that I really feel comfortable playing my guitar is on the roof because almost no one can hear me, although Angela and her husband James can hear me sometimes because they keep the window open. It's starting to get a little bit cold now, and tonight I wished that I had a jacket when I was on the roof. I'm worried that I won't have anywhere to play anything as soon as it starts to actually get chilly. I think that possibly some of the classrooms might be left open at night, but they're supposed to be locked from what I know.

I've thought about getting an electric keyboard too - I found an 88key online w/ MIDI input from Taobao for $200 - but I fear that I would bug my neighbors. I considered asking to be put in the apartment down the hall so that I wouldn't bother anyone. I should actually look into that and see if it can be done.

Peace out.

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