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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Leaving Walgreens

I was on the schedule till 5PM, but at 4:45 I realized there was nothing more I could do, so I went to the back to clock out. The back room is big, brown, linoleum floored opening with a breakroom, bathroom, and office on the left and the floor door and truck door on the right. The punch clock is right near the floor door. Sarah was throwing boxes to the compacter or something like that, walking in and out of the truck door. For some reason I hoped she didn't see me. I clocked out and then went up to the front to find Dominic, who was talking to Katie. I forget what we talked about, but Dennis came up to us and saw that I was distracting them. I told him that I was off the clock, and he encouraged the others to not be so distracted by me. At some point after he gave Dominic some Starbucks drinks for the coolers, we noticed that the mylars say "HHHYPOINT" instead of "HYPOINT." Dominic said the owners of Hypoint go to his country club.

After that I went to the back again to grab all my things. I didn't have a lot of time that morning, so I had brought peanut butter and a butterknife to work. I grabbed them, and the water bottle I had been bringing recently since we ran out of paper cups to drink from, and the gallon of water I bought for Gauss, my fish. I was walking away when I realized I had forgotten my math book, so I put my things down and picked up The Art of Problem Solving 2, which had gone to the bottom of the pile after Sheri cleaned the break"room" desk.

I said bye to Dom as I walked out, but I figured I'd see him that night. Sid, the soft-spoken Indian cashier with two academic degrees who works 9-5 M-F, was up front still, and I didn't think I would see him again so I stopped to say goodbye. He's such a nice kid. Dede told me he was Autistic but I never checked with him. I remembered that I'd be coming back for my paycheck so I thought I'd see him again, but then recalled he'd be on vacation in Arizona to see his uncle, so I said goodbye for good. I didn't have a free hand, but I put out my hand holding my water bottle to shake his and he held on for a second and let go. I think it was the only time I've ever touched him. I said bye to him, bye to Dominic, and walked out.

Peace out.

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